Friday, March 16, 2007

Chili Cook-off

Happy Friday all! I woke up and took Anna with me to the YMCA. I had a very good workout doing the treadmill for 30 minutes and the elliptical for 15 + some weight machines on my lower body. I switch off every day. Today I did my legs, yesterday I did my arms/stomach. I like that sore feeling from my muscles being worked! :)

While Anna watched PETER PAN, I showered and got ready for the day. I made a Chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting (a new recipe from the HERSHEY COOKBOOK, Thanks Deena!) for the chili cook-off. I also went to the post office to mail some things and did some dishes. My house has stayed relatively clean today, which is nice since I spent yesterday getting it all clean. :)

Anna & I went over to Sarah's house where she & I chatted while Anna played with Leia. We came home and then went to the Chili Cook-off social at the church. Anna & I were towards the beginning of the line to get some food (we were hungry!) I had filled Anna's bowl about 1/2 full of chili & cheese and she decided to hold it as we went down the tables (there must have been 15 different crockpots of chili). Suddenly I felt something warm splatter all over my leg and heard Anna wailing. She had dropped her bowl of chili and it splashed all over my left leg & shoe. She was so upset about it--for my sake! She was bawling saying "I'm so sorry, Mama! I didn't mean to!!" with tears flowing. She was so hysterical about it that I certainly couldn't be upset (she was upset enough for the both of us). So Tyler came and took her away to comfort her while I tried to clean off beans, cheese, beef, and chili juice off my pant leg, my shoe and the floor. UGH. My poor little girl. She was disraught. :(

The rest of the social was nice. We sat with a family that is just now coming back to church--the wife is a member, husband non-member. The wife, Tammy, made a new years resolution to come back to church. It was nice getting to know them. We're now exhausted from the day! And tomorrow will be busy as well. Goodnight!!!

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