Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Tyler is in Hawaii and enjoying his time there. He said he'd love to move to Hawaii - if it weren't so expensive to live there. His mission president, Pres Kim, actually lives in Hawaii and he was able to go to church with him and visit his home today, which was nice. Tyler really loved his mission president during his mission in Taiwan. Pres Kim actually retired from the USAF, so that's neat to have that in common - being military and all.

This morning was rough. Tyler was gone last night and I just don't sleep well when he's gone. Every sound in the house is magnified and I just don't like it. I hope this week will fly by until Tyler comes home on Sunday...and so I was up late - struggling to go to sleep...Maggie starts barking to go potty at I take her the rain...and then I come in & go back to 6am Anna comes to tell me that she wet her bed...then at choir practice there wasn't an accompanist, so I struggled to play the piano until Shannon stepped in and saved me...then in RS they had a huge buffet of desserts that I couldn't eat, except for the fruit - but the fruit that I got was frozen, that was a little my mother's day morning wasn't the greatest...but I'm happy to say that it didn't continue like that. :o)

After church Margaret and her husband brought over some garage sale items leftover from their sale - plus I had 2 people at church say that they had some more things for me. Anna & I had a lovely fish lunch and had our sunday sundaes for dessert. (I had my low carb ice cream) Anna & I watched The Court Jester together (a family favorite) and we read stories, sang songs and it was nice - all the many reasons why I love being a mom. :o) Happy Mother's Day Everyone!


Kathey said...

I'm sorry your mother's day got off to such a rough start, but I'm glad it ended well. It was fun to read the link about The Court Jester. It has been so many years since I saw that. Hm-m-m-- Jim has a birthday coming up. That gives me an idea.…
I hope the rest of your week goes REALLY FAST.

Love, Kathey

nicole said...

Just think what your mother's day will be like next year! Really different from this year, huh? :) I know what you mean about not being able to sleep when your hubby is gone. It's the worst!

I'll make sure to include a nice and healthy treat for you tomorrow at book club!

Melisa said...

I'm glad your day got better! I'm really impressed you resisted an entire buffet of desserts. I wish I had that much will power. Way to go!