Friday, January 15, 2010

What Anna believes

I found both of these written on a piece of paper:

Anna Testony (Testimony)

a comandment to live with God. to do on earth...pray read scripchers
time together
go to cherch
think about Jesue
be kind
obay parents
be honest
no steling


We should be motest (modest) to show we love heleney father (Heavenly Father)

It's nice to know that Anna is learning what we are teaching her. Having a testimony of what is right is so important and I am a HUGE fan of modesty and Anna has picked up on that as well.


Diana said...

:-) Yeah for kids!

Unknown said...

Seriously, judging from your blog, you couldn't be immodest even if you tried! You just radiate your values and it's obvious Anna is picking them up.

Karin said...

What a blessing to see all your efforts and example taken to heart by your child!!! You are amazing. Hope your throat is better!!

Carina said...

That's so sweet! Great job, Anna--and great job, Mama, for teaching her! :)

Maria said...

adorable! I lobve the spelling

nicole said...

How sweet. That must feel so good as a parent to see her progressing spiritually and developing her own testimony. That note is definitely something to keep!
And I'm a big fan of modesty too... way to go for teaching her young. :)