Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spina Bifida

Hello faithful readers, do you of you have children with spina bifida? If so, please leave a comment. I have some questions for you! If you prefer, you can send me an email at jilldpierce at yahoo dot com. Thanks!


Carina said...

Well, I'm sure you know that Kendall's daughter Kaitlyn has spina bifida--and hey, you're meeting her today! Definitely talk to them! Or maybe that's why you posted this. I dunno. Anyway, have fun with my bro and his awesome family! =)

Julie said...

My son, Jared, has a type of spina bifida called "Spina Bifida Occulta" (sp?) ... Which means he is missing a vertebrea. As a result he ended up with a tethered spinal cord, and had to have surgery (at age 6) to untether it... But it hasn't caused any other problems since...

Unknown said...

my nephew has spina bifida.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Jill, my brother has spina bifida. There are three kinds and he has the worse kind. He has had many surgeries and is paralyzed fromt he waist down. He also has a shunt and rods in his back because of it. If you have questions I'd love to answer them. Also, he has a blog so you can go see what he has to say.