Sunday, October 03, 2010

General Conference Weekend

I love watching General Conference. The talks and music were encouraging and enlightening. Tyler flew out to UT on Friday and will be home shortly. On Friday, he went to Temple Square to see all the LDS Church sites there. He came across a sister missionary that he recognized! Can you believe it? We met her while in Mariupol, Ukraine, when we were there adopting our twins 2 years ago! She was one of the active youth in the church there. What a small world!

Over the weekend, Tyler stayed with my sister, Rachel, and her husband, Alex. Not only did Alex serve a mission in Taiwan - he served in the SAME mission as Tyler did! How cool is that?! I am awaiting pictures of the three of them eating out at Cafe Rio and playing a rousing game of Scrabble. :) Here is a picture I do have of Tyler waiting for a session of GC to begin:

Whereas the talks of General Conference have been wonderful, I've been having a difficult time playing single mom to 3 kids. There are times when I feel so ill-equipped to be a mama for two special needs children. I've read articles, blogs, and been to counselling for the kids. But's just hard. And words can't always make it better. And yet, I trudge onward, hoping that Christ will more than make up for my lack of patience and understanding and sanity as a mama.


Sarah C said...

I am glad Tyler had the opportunity to go to General Conference. I am sure that was a wonderful experience.
It is cool he ran into someone you met when you adopted your children.
I am sorry this weekend was difficult. Your children are very blessed to have you as their mom. You are a great mom.

Diana said...

Oh, I so get that one! So glad Tyler got to come out her, but no, it is not fun to be left a lone mama, especially when the kids go nuts without daddy there!

April said...

I loved conference too although I missed the first session on Saturday because of work so I have to look those ones up :) I am glad Tyler enjoyed his visit here now we just have to meet you and the kids as well! :0