Wednesday morning I took Silas to have a sedated ECHO. Since Silas couldn't have anything to eat or drink, I decided to wait until after the ECHO for me to eat breakfast and the ECHO was scheduled to take less than an hour. The nurse gave Silas the sedative and I held him for twenty minutes while he (supposedly) would become sedated. Well, Silas is a fighter and he fought that medication for the 20 minutes that I had him + an hour longer when the nurse took him back! I waited an hour and a half before he came back, having finally succumbed to the medicine and finished the ECHO. The nurse said he couldn't leave until he drank some juice. He finished a tiny box of apple juice and then the nurse escorted me to pre-op registration. While I was there, Silas threw up on himself and me.

We went back to the RMH for some lunch and then we drove to Bradenton to see my cousin and his family there. The sedative had worn off by the time we arrived and Silas had a great time playing with Caleb and Ben. I enjoyed talking with Lana and Mark and finally getting a cup of Choffy. I needed those antioxidants after the day I had had. We drove back and I started my fast that Silas' surgery and recovery would go well.
This morning: I woke up at 5am and showered. I brought Silas in at 6am. They gave him an IV (which he didn't like, naturally) and we watched some Blue's Clues. The nurse informed me that Silas is double jointed. Good to know!

I held it together for the most part until I walked him down the hall and handed Silas off to the nurse. Then I got teary eyed as she took him back. My baby was off to surgery. I waited an hour to meet Dr Jacobs, the surgeon. He was very direct and didn't have much to say other than it was going to be a great day. Good enough for me! I went back to the RMH and took a two hour nap. I started some laundry and the nurse called and asked me to come up. The nurse said that before the surgery Silas kept asking for a cookie. Ha ha. I waited for a while and then met the surgeon. Again, in very few words he said it went well and then he was gone.
Soon I was being ushered back to see Silas and I was nervous! This is what I saw:

Is that not the saddest thing you've ever seen? The incision has some purple glue on it and there is a drainage tube which drains excess blood from the surgery. He was draining out more blood than they liked so they gave him some plasma. He is now doing better. I can already see more color in his cheeks! He is on all kinds of fluids and medication and it's so hard to hear him ask for a drink when he cannot have one until tomorrow. His face crumples up and he tries to cry, but he can't, so he whines. Poor baby. The nurses say that they are drawn to him, that he has a sweet spirit. It seems that many people are pulled towards Silas, as I have heard that a few times in the past few months. He now has his jeans and his panther that he named Meow (gift from RMH) and a white bear that a lady here gave him.

I want to thank all those who have prayed for our family during this time. Silas is finally getting the care that he needs and he will be better in the long run because of this surgery. I appreciate those who fasted with us and the wonderful support you have given us. Thank you!
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Location:St Petersburg,United States
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