From left to right: Melanie (MIL), Tisha (SIL), Me, Alexys, Tracy (SIL), Shelby (niece in law)

I got some sesame chicken from Panda and it went perfect with our Lord of the Rings marathon - the extended version on Blu-ray! Alex, Rachel, and Coulter attended - super fun!
Other highlights include singing in a trio with my mom and sister, Rachel, and we sang Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring in church. That was so much fun! Playing with Aurora everyday - she is 8 months old and such a fun baby girl. I got to see Heather four times during the trip and her kids, Iliana and Oliver. We celebrated my mom's birthday twice and then I took her out for dinner. I enjoyed spending time with my Grandma and Grandpa each day. Anna did some workout sessions with her uncle Coulter and she also drank his healthy smoothies often. I introduced iced Choffy to Rachel and Alex and hooked them on it - not hard to do! Long talks with family members were wonderful. We drove down to Edmond twice to see Opa and Mamaw Dahle and have cookouts and swimming there. The kids never wanted to go home. I got to meet my nephew, JJ, for the first time! He is so cute. We introduced the new boys to all my siblings and parents and both Calvin and Silas fit right in. They were super snuggly with everyone. I know that Calvin had some trouble with names as all his grandparents have different names: Grammy, Pa-Pa, Mamaw, Opa, then Grandma Hatch, Great Grandma McElwain, etc. Poor kids! So many family relations! Ha ha!
This morning we left OK and are in IL at a hotel. Tyler left FL yesterday with a heavy heart. He didn't want to move away from the ocean and our sweet setup there. But we are ready for our next adventure in OH! And some sad news...our cat, Jasper, would not leave with Tyler (he tried three times!) so he stayed in FL. All of our neighbors love and feed Jasper, so I'm sure he'll have a good life there, albeit Anna has been bawling her eyes out for him. :(
Tomorrow we will meet up with Tyler - it's been 17 days!!! - and begin the process of looking for a house to buy and unloading our things into storage. I am ready for school to begin and a regular schedule to ensue. I look forward to prospering in OH, once again!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
1 comment:
OH! It sounds like you might have driven right by us. We're in St Louis and I would have loved to meet up! :(
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