The next day was an extended Gaden reunion (my stepmother's family) that we attended in Seiling, OK. Everyone had a great time. On Sunday we went to church with Mom. I feel very at home here in Stillwater. Christine H bore her testimony in Sacrament meeting. She said that during the opening hymn she leaned over to her mother and said, "Jill Pierce is here." She then went on to say that I am her favorite singer, even more than Mariah Carey, and that I have a very distinct voice. Christine also said that she wants the voice of The Shepherd to be as distinct as my singing voice is to her. I was very humbled and moved by her testimony. And all the kids did great in primary and nursery!
We had a nice family dinner celebrating my mom's birthday. I bought her a Choffy mug, which she loved. All of mom's six children were there and it was very enjoyable to see everyone. Evan left that night and since then it has been Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Coulter, Rachel, Alex, and me and my five kids here. Everyday is full of spending time together and I love it. Coulter, Alex, Rachel, and I are having a LORD OF THE RINGS marathon which has been fun.
On Tuesday, I drove down with the kids to visit my sister, Heather, and her two kids: Iliana and Oliver. We went to Chick Fil A and had a nice time visiting. We all went over to Opa and Mamaw Dahle's house for swimming and a cookout. We had a great time and the kids are eager to go back next Tuesday.
Tyler is still in FL, packing up the house. He will meet us in OH next week. I miss him. Two days ago, Tyler's grandmother, Madeline, passed away. Tomorrow is her funeral up in Bartlesville, OK. I am driving up with the kids for the funeral and to see the family. It is unfortunate that Tyler cannot attend, but I am grateful that I can. I am blessed with wonderful inlaws.

Cracker Barrel on the drive

Braum's on the drive

Chick Fil A in Edmond, OK

Me snuggling Aurora, my 8 mos old niece

Opa Dahle and Silas

Me and my nephew, JJ, who is six months.

Mamaw Dahle and Iryna

Uncle Willis playing ANGRY BIRDS with Anna

My sister, Jennifer, and my mom

Me and Aurora

Calvin and his Great Grandpa McElwain

Silas and his Great Grandpa McElwain

Me and my nephew, Oliver


Silas whining

Silas smiling!
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
1 comment:
Hey pretty lady!! I've so missed your blog!! Things have been so stressful in our world lately, but they're finally settling down, so I'm blogging again, haha! I'm excited to catch up with you. You are one brave woman to take all the kids to OK by yourself! When I take all the kids out, I remind myself that when this is all over, I'll be one patient mama! Same goes for you. Amazing how Heavenly Father will use all these experiences to shape and mold us as parents. Much love to you and good luck with your move!! (Go easy on yourself. xo)
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